We have this week received an email from club chairman, Peter Brown, asking if the Supporters Trust would like to assist in funding a new scoreboard for use on match days at The Meadow. The required sum to complete the funding for the board and installation would be £3,000 of Trust money.
As a Committee we have discussed this opportunity and do not feel that it is the type of purchase that we had in mind when raising the money for projects that will benefit members and supporters. However, we are a democratic organisation and would welcome the view of all of our members on the subject as to whether you agree with our thoughts on the subject or not.
Please let the Committee know your views by emailing info@custrust.co.uk or by leaving your comments below. Additionally, if there are any improvements to the Club’s current facilities that you would like to see the Trust support, please also let us know.
No strong views either way from me. Happy to be guided by the Committee`s views assuming there was a clear majority against the idea. Regards, Mark
Don’t think that is good use of a hard earned 3k. We don’t need a scoreboard at this level of football.
I read with interest the comments following Pete Brown’s approach. As one who was involved in the re-establishment of the Supporters Trust back in 2004 it was one of the prime objectives to support the club where possible in improving the infrastructure at the Meadow. To its credit the Trust has done great work over the years in its support of our club. That said I personally would not dismiss the request out of hand. I think in the long term such a scoreboard would be a great asset.
Two issues come to mind – firstly not knowing what the trusts financial position is and whether there are plans to utilise existing funds makes forming a reasoned decision problematic. Secondly, I accept that the committee has its reasons for declining such a request at present but I take a pragmatic view in that if the club does move to a new ground this would be a great enhancement provided there are assurances that it could be relocated. It would still be an asset at the Meadow.
My final point is that Pete Brown in my opinion has done and is doing a tremendous job as chairman having kept us informed of every development during the pandemic. We have complained bitterly in the past about the lack of information coming from the club and he has taken this on board to his credit. I think at the very least we should appreciate the work he has done and agree to a contribution in principle subject to the remaining funds being raised. At the very least subject to funding £1000 would not go amiss.
I hope my comments will prompt further debate.
Gordon Finch